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Semester 2

Elements in Natural & Built Environments

This module intends to learn on two significant parts; the regular and assembled conditions. The both regular and assembled climate are one of the main part of human existence. It overruns each aspect of our own and public action, from extent of live, work, and play. From individual to worldwide, we make and possess artificial constructions and green ecological spaces not exclusively to satisfy the requirement for living and sanctuary, yet additionally to work with and convey different parts of social, social, political, monetary, and hierarchical conditions and real factors.

Introduction to Spatial Design

This subject teaches students to the key principles and vocabulary of spatial design, which cut across traditional design disciplines including architecture, interior design, and landscape design. Its goal is to use various design jobs and projects to investigate space and its relevance to human activities. The focus throughout the workshop will be on the development of concepts in terms of visual thinking and model construction.

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