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Wooden Stool

Introduction to Drawing

This module expects to foster fundamental comprehensionof different drawings and its significance in development industry, which will connect with understudies to investigatevarious sorts and techniques for drawings in this field. This will empower understudies to get visualrelational abilities and worth the conceivable outcomes of specialized drawing as an instrument for examination,understanding the all inclusiveness of the objective language in the transmission and cognizance of data.

Project 1:
Design Elements

Brown Theme Room
Wooden Surface

Project I:

Project I is designed to convey and identify the main elements of form in the order in which they develop from a point to a one-dimensional line, a two-dimensional plane, and a three-dimensional volume. In the lexicon of architectural design, each element is first considered as a conceptual element, then as a visual element.


Project II:

Project 2 extends on Project 1 by introducing and identifying the architectural and design elements involved in exploiting and constructing order in an architectural composition and spatial arrangement. Order is a condition in which each portion of a whole is appropriately organised with regard to other parts and its purpose in an effort to accomplish a harmonious arrangement.

Bare Rock
Brown Leaves
Wheat Field

Project III:

Through this assignment, the students will become accustomed to the conventions, technical components, and specifications for technical drawings used in the construction industry. Students will explore and understand the intricacy of drawing conventions used in practice as a form of communication within predetermined parameters. Understanding the site's state, layout, furniture arrangements, and items related to the location is the goal, which will be accomplished by translating results into a visual presentation. Students must express three-dimensional space and/or objects using the appropriate scale, fundamental ideas, drawing conventions, and symbols. Technical specifications and drawing conventions are highlighted.

Brown Leather Armchair

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